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The Hotel Retlaw
1 N. Main St.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Click HERE for more information including the agenda.

A REALTOR® Member who has held membership in the National Association as a REALTOR®, REALTORASSOCIATE®, or both, for a cumulative period of 40 years and has completed at least one year of service at the National Association level is eligible for REALTOR® Emeritus status. Please email to apply. REALTOR® Emeritus Status. Deadline is February 28th.

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At the end of January we’ll be releasing our RANW committee sign up. Interested in getting your voice heard and making a difference with our RANW Committees? Take a look at what we offer HERE! RANW Broker Meeting begins again in February 2025. Please stay tuned for the email including dates and sign ups. 

Click HERE for all your upcoming training on one website. Skip ALL those emails! We’ve got your back!

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From the RANW Communications Committee - Please pass on to the kiddos in your life and email me a pic of what they create by April 1st! One lucky kid will become instantly real estate famous! Full Flyer HERE!

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MLS subscriber companies who participate in the Supra Lockbox and Key program will be emailed on February 1st requesting them to report the number of Supra lockboxes in their possession. How to Pull Company Lockbox Audits from SupraWEB. Companies will be given until March 31st, 2025 to report the number of lockboxes in inventory and report any lost or stolen lockboxes. The company will be charged for the missing or damaged equipment. Please call the office at 920-707-9900 or email the lockbox administrator Angela Schilling @ for questions or concerns. 

Take a look at NAR’s popular and growing series of Consumer Guides. Each one-page resource gives clients a handy overview of key aspects of the real estate transaction, like negotiating written buyer agreements and understanding offers of compensation. They’re an invaluable way to start conversations with and educate consumers. After all, knowledgeable home buyers and sellers are your members’ best advocates. Make sure to bookmark, where you’ll find the latest additions. 

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It's the RANW Alex and Amanda Show!
What's new with RANW? What should you be looking forward to and taking seriously in the next few months?
We've got the scoop for RANW members in our Members Only Facebook group HERE: