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Obtain Paragon's GIS/Map Photo (required for Waterfront listings)

RANW MLS Help Tip:

How to Create A PHOTO of the Aerial View of the Listing Map in

A photo upload of a GIS image is required for all Waterfront=Yes listings. If a member does not have access to a GIS image, they may use the Aerial View of the listing map (if the map shows the correct location) and create an image that can then be uploaded to the listing photos in Paragon. Members may also choose to upload a PDF document of the GIS image or map, but that does not replace the PHOTO requirement.

If You Have Screen-Shot Software: using that will be the easiest method of obtaining a photo.
If you do not have Screen-Shot Software: you can print the map and scan it as an image.

Here’s how to pull up the Aerial View of the Map:

  1. Pull up the listing in an Agent Confidential, Customer Full, or an All Fields Detail report - any
    display that shows the M (map) icon in the row of Action Icons.
  2. Click on the M (map) icon to open the map window. It will be a pop-up window on your
  3. There is a drop-down box in the upper left corner of the Map window. The default reads
    Road. Click on the drop-down menu and select Aerial.

If You Have Screen-Shot Software:

  • Use your Screen Shot software to do a “print screen”.
  • Use the cropping tool to obtain just the map from the entire screen shot.
  • Save the image to your computer AS A PHOTO (file type JPG or GIF).
  • Upload that JPG or GIF file as one of your listing photos in Paragon.

If you do not have Screen-Shot Software:

  • Print out the Aerial view by clicking on the Printer icon in the middle of the row of icons
    above the map in the map window.
  • Scan that printed image and save it AS A PHOTO (file type JPG or GIF),
  • Upload that JPG or GIF file as one of your listing photos in Paragon.