WIREX Listings Added to Paragon MLS
RANW MLS has added listings from WIREX that are located in RANW MLS market counties* to our Paragon MLS tools.
Listing information is updated every few hours. Documents are uploaded via an overnight process.
* The RANW MLS Market Counties are:
- Adams
- Brown
- Calumet
- Dodge
- Door
- Florence
- Fond du Lac
- Forest
- Green Lake
- Iron
- Kewaunee
- Langlade
- Lincoln
- Manitowoc
- Marathon
- Marinette
- Marquette
- Menominee
- Menominee MI
- Oconto
- Oneida
- Outagamie
- Portage
- Shawano
- Sheboygan
- Vilas
- Waupaca
- Waushara
- Winnebago
- Wood
For a map of WIREX areas, please click HERE.
The following are additional important key items you should be aware of regarding these listings from other MLSs and use of Paragon:
Data Fields: Due to other MLSs not having exactly the same fields as RANW, efforts have been made to match the data as closely as possible and provide as much information as possible. Where a close data match was not possible, RANW had Paragon add feature options called "WIREX Other". When "WIREX Other" appears on a listing, members may want to use the WIREX switcher and review the listing in WIREX, or contact the listing agent for additional information. Several other free form WIREX fields were added for Condominium Names, Subdivisions, and Water Body Name; if the data does not match RANWs list, these fields will be populated with their data.
Blank Fields: Members will notice that some fields/features Required by RANW MLS will be blank for the WIREX listings. This is because other MLSs do not have or do not require data for those fields or features.
The MLS numbers: WIREX listings have a two-character prefix indicating which MLS the listing came from (example: CW123456 indicates a listing from Central Wisconsin MLS). This new code prefix appears in front of the MLS numbers, no dashes or spaces. If searching by MLS number for a listing from another MLS, members need to include the two-character prefix.
Counties: WIREX listings from the following Counties are included in Paragon RANW MLS: Adams, Brown, Calumet, Dodge, Door, Florence, Fond du Lac, Forest, Green Lake, Iron, Kewaunee, Langlade, Lincoln, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee, Menominee MI, Oconto, Oneida, Outagamie, Portage, Shawano, Sheboygan, Vilas, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago, and Wood.
Listing statuses: Other MLSs may use and define their statuses differently than RANW, but main statuses (Active, Pending, Sold/Closed) remain the same. Since other MLSs do not use RANW’s “Offer” options, “WIREX Other” will be used for WIREX listings that have a Contingent or other Offer-type status through the Originating MLS.
Listings include: All photos, virtual tours, public documents, and open house information.
Geocoding: Latitude and Longitude from the original MLS are included on all WIREX listings, so they should map correctly in Paragon.
Search Results: WIREX listings are included in search results for CMAs and Collab Center-Prospect carts by default (RANW members can choose to search only RANW listings if they prefer by specifying RANWMLS in the Originating MLS field).
Corrections: Should members see data on a WIREX listing that does not appear correct, please report it to RANW MLS using the compliance (“police”) icon as you would for an RANW listing, so that we can check into the data and ask the Originating MLS to correct the listing if necessary.
Tools in Paragon affected by WIREX Listings:
Searches: WIREX listings are available in search results using the Power Search, regular Searches, CMAs, and the Collab Center. An Originating MLS field is available to allow you to search for all listings or only from specific MLSs, including the ability to sort by. If searching by MLS number for a listing from another MLS, members will need to include the two-character prefix.
RANW MLS members no longer need to use the WIREX switcher within Paragon in order to find these listings, although the switcher can still be used for listings outside RANW MLS market counties, or to possibly to find additional information on these listings.
The Hotsheet and Market Monitor will continue to only include RANW listings, as will RANW MLS Statistical Reports.
Data Feeds: WIREX listings from other MLSs are NOT included in any RANW MLS data feeds (through MLS Grid) or IDX Links from RANW MLS. These listings would be included in WIREX data feeds as well as through data feeds offered by the listing company/agents primary MLS (where the listing originated).
Two Property Reports in Paragon (based on the RANW Agent Confidential and Customer Full) were created to accommodate the WIREX listing data. Every attempt will be made to keep these detailed displays printing on a single page per listing.
Originating MLS and Membership info can be searched in Paragon for MLS Participant Companies and their members who are in a participating MLS, categorized by the MLS they are associated with. These members do NOT have access to the RANW MLS Paragon system.