Supra Lockbox System
How to Join the Electronic Lockbox (iBox)/eKEY Program
The RANW MLS offers the Supra System to its MLS and Affiliate Home Inspector members. Please scroll down for the Supra eKEY Company and Agent Agreements. This patented electronic system offers security and convenience and records each Key that accesses a lockbox, as well as the date and time of each access. This System also allows companies to track their lockbox inventory.
Company must Participate in the RANW MLS Lockbox and Key Program in order to obtain keys for Supra Lockboxes in the Northeast WI area. The Supra eKEY App to open Lockboxes MUST be activated by MLS.
How to Open and Use a Supra Lockbox
Click here for a video tutorial on obtaining keys for a lockbox and how to open a shackle.
Forget your PIN code? Click HERE for how-to reset you pin (including one-day code recipients).
Please click HERE to see all of the features (such as showing feedback, etc.) you can utilize with your eKEY.
- Realtor MLS Company Agreement
- Realtor MLS Agent Keyholder Agreement
- Realtor MLS Agent Keyholder Agreement-Addendum
- Affiliate Home Inspector Company Agreement
- Affiliate Home Inspector Keyholder Agreement
- Affiliate Home Inspector Keyholder Agreement-Addendum
Current Fees
- RANW MLS monthly participation fee for each licensee in a participating MLS office: $11.00 + tax
- RANW MLS Monthly participation fee for each licensee in a participating Affiliate Home Inspector office: $20.00 + tax
- Supra eKEY Activation Fee $95.00 + tax submitted with Application
- Supra Lockboxes - Boxes are leased to companies at no additional cost. (For lost boxes, the cost is $99.00/box.)
Lockbox Company Resources
- ELB Rules and Regulations (Section 13 RANW MLS Rules)
- RANW MLS Lockbox Key Sanctions
- Request for Lockboxes
- RANW MLS Lockbox Policy/Audit
Additional Services
- Agent must participate in an MLS in WIREX. Assign a One-Day Code to an Agent in WIREX (WIREX 1 Day Code)
- VIDEO BELOW! You can also do this on your phone!
- Reciprocal key access is a better option for those who also have Supra. But one-day codes are available when MLS staff is not working.
- Reciprocal Key Access
- Access to Supra lockboxes in South Central Wisconsin MLS and Central Wisconsin MLS.
Please make sure to always store keys in the correct area of the lockbox key container (see below images). If the lockbox is jammed, the agent/company responsible may be fined for the damaged equipment.
Correct area to store key Incorrect area to store key (will jam the key container)
Contact RANW MLS
M-F 8:30am-5pm:
or E-mail
Supra Agent Support
Seven days a week 7:00 am-9:00 pm